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6 Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Can I have an implant done at the same time as I have a tooth taken out?

Whether you can have an implant put in place at the same time as a tooth removed depends on two major factors; the amount of available bone and whether there is any infection present.

Where possible dentists generally prefer to do it all at the same time as by putting the implant in place it helps preserve both the height and width of the bone and can prevent the need for bone grafts.

Few people realise that once a tooth is removed the jaw bone can start to shrink. This is the process that causes a a denture to move upwards and out of alignment with neighbouring teeth.

During the first 12 months after a tooth is removed up to 40% of the width of the jawbone can be lost. If you want to have implants after this time it is possible you will need bone grafts.

Another bonus is that getting it done at the same time also cuts down on the healing time as you shouldn’t need to wait for the site of the extraction to heal before the implants are put in place.

I have a broken tooth and my dentist has recommended a bridge. Would an implant work better?

Quite possibly. To create a bridge healthy teeth have to be ground down for the bridge to be put over them. With an implant, the teeth surrounding the broken tooth would not be affected.

If I ate something really chewy could my implant snap?

The chances of your implant snapping while eating are highly remote. The only things that are likely to make your implants snap are the things that would damage real teeth. Such as taking the tops of beer bottles with your teeth for example.

Treat your implant with the same respect you would give your natural teeth and no harm will come to them.

Can I have implants at the back of my mouth as well as the front?

You can have implants anywhere you have or had natural teeth. Many people opt for having two implants at the back and a bridge put in place so they effectively have a full set of teeth again.

This is a great option for anyone who wants to replace any dentures with something more permanent but doesn’t want to go through the healing process of a full set of implants.

Does it hurt?

As with any dental work implants are put in place using a local anaesthetic. Once this wears off a little discomfort should be expected as you have had something drilled into your bone.

Nevertheless, as mentioned previously, most people have said a couple of paracetamol is enough to ease the level of pain they are suffering from their new implants.

How long will they last?

With good mouth hygiene and teeth cleaning there is no reason why your implants can’t last you a lifetime.

As we mentioned earlier an implant is believed to actually stop your jaw bone degrading which in turn reduces the risk of it coming loose and falling out.

When crowns were the new big thing in dentistry you were told to expect a life span of around 10 years, now if you get less than 15 out of an implant there is something wrong. Your dentist will take you through the care procedure with you to ensure they last as long as possible.

To book a consultation for dental implants, contact us here or call 01202 487888.

An Overview of Dental Implants
7 Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants