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Transforming Lives, One Smile At A Time: Sarah’s Orthodontic Smile Makeover

Before and after of orthodontic patient's smile.

Here at Robinsons Dental Practice, we’re dedicated to helping every single one of our patient’s to feel confident and happy with their smile. We’re delighted to be able to share the story of Sarah, a lovely lady who has been a recent patient of ours.

For years, Sarah has lived feeling self-conscious about the way her teeth look and the way her smile appeared to others. It affected her confidence, holding her back from expressing herself and embracing life’s moments in photos with her loved ones.

After speaking to Sarah, she was thrilled to share her journey with us and you, to highlight just how much her orthodontic treatment has transformed her smile and life.

My orthodontic journey started two years ago, and quite unintentionally as I was initially looking into having a dental implant. I was totally embarrassed about my teeth and I was reluctant to even see Simon about the implant! Simon recommended I see Kate Robinson for her opinion, and I was really sceptical especially as being nearly 50. However, I thought I had nothing to lose and agreed to an orthodontic consultation.”

Sarah’s consultation with Kate identified she had a severe overbite and projection, which qualified her as a candidate for orthodontics. In the past, Sarah had investigated braces but had been told that extreme treatment would be required involving surgery, with no promise that the end result would be what Sarah was hoping for.

Braces and fixing an overbite

While a severe overbite can take time to correct, it doesn’t mean surgery is required. Only in the rarest of cases do we see an overbite needing an operation to fix. Every case is different but orthodontics has come a long way over the years. But in most cases, an overbite or projection of teeth can be corrected with the use of fixed braces over a longer period of time.

I was so nervous seeing Kate for the first time, and anticipated being told everything that I had been told before. However, Kate immediately put me at ease. I explained my previous experience looking into a smile transformation, but Kate reassured me that orthodontics had come a long way and that my age or the fact I was having an implant was not a barrier.”

Sarah underwent treatment for orthodontics. First we extracted two teeth and then fixed braces were put in place in order to close the gaps in Sarah’s teeth, and improve the overall appearance of her smile. We would see Sarah every 6 weeks or so to make adjustments to her braces, making sure she was fully aware of any next steps in the process.

“While I have to wear a retainer at night now, this really is such a small price for the great smile I have now. I have received such lovely comments from everyone, it makes me smile even more! 

To say this process has been transformative for me is an understatement in terms of my self esteem and overall confidence. I am so grateful to Kate and her team’s expertise and care.”

We couldn’t be more delighted with how Sarah’s treatment went, and helping her to discover her confidence again!

You can find more information about orthodontics here, or if you would like to speak to one of our team about your own smile transformation, you can get in touch with us here.

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