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Dermatology services at Robinson’s

We are proud to be able to offer a more holistic health service here at Robinson’s Dental Practice and believe our Specialist Dermatological Surgery Clinic within the town centre dental practice is unique in the UK.

Our dermatology clinic covers all your skin care needs from the management of general skin disorders such as eczema, acne and psoriasis right through to the diagnosis and surgical removal of skin cancers, our highly experienced consultant surgeon Dr Marsha Ostroumova is here to provide advice and treatment.


Are you concerned about changes in a skin mole?

As a specialist in skin cancer surgery Dr Ostroumova can provide mole checks and biopsies or removal where necessary.

Dermatology Christchurch
Dermatology Christchurch

Do you have an unsightly skin lesion you would like removed?

Highly skilled in facial surgery Dr Ostroumova can advise the best course of action and offers a full range of treatments. From simple cryofreezing of warts through to complex surgical management of cancerous lesions you are in safe hands.


Just interested in looking refreshed and the best version of you possible?

Dr Ostroumova also provides a range of cosmetic treatments aimed at reducing fine lines and wrinkles including muscle relaxing injections, chemical peels & mesotherapy.

Go to Dr Marsha Ostroumova’s website >

Read more in our blog article… New Dermatology Service in Christchurch >>

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