We constantly strive to provide a top-quality service to all our patients; occasionally however events occur which cause patients to feel unhappy with our service. We always welcome patient feedback both good and bad as this helps us to know what we are doing well and where we could do better.
If a patient feels our service has not been satisfactory and wishes to make a complaint this can be done either verbally or in writing to the practitioner concerned or to the Practice Manager.
If a complaint is made on the telephone or at the reception desk, we will listen to the complaint and offer to refer the patient to either the practitioner concerned or the Practice Manager immediately. If neither are available at the time, we will arrange for this to happen as soon as possible.
Any written complaints received will be acknowledged in writing within 3 working days. We will investigate your concern and report back within twenty working days of it being received. If we are unable to complete our investigations within twenty working days for any reason, we will notify you, giving reasons for the delay and the likely period within which the investigation will be completed.
We will complete comprehensive records of any complaint received along with the outcome and any measures taken to prevent recurrence.
If a patient is not satisfied with the result of our procedure, a complaint may be made to:
For private dental patients:
The Dental Complaints Service
Address: 37 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8DQ
Phone: 0208 253 0800
Email: info@dentalcomplaints.org.uk
The General Dental Council
Address: 37 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 8DQ
Phone: 0207 167 6000
Email: standards@gdc-uk.org
For private medical patients:
The General Medical Council
Phone: 0161 923 6602
Healthwatch.co.uk and the citizens advice bureau (citizensadvice.org.uk) may be able to help with providing an independent advocate to help resolve your complaint.
The General Dental Council (GDC) and the General Medical Council (GMC) do not resolve complaints or award compensation, they only investigate and take action in the most serious complaints against practitioners where the issue affects whether the individual should be allowed to continue to practice.
Contact details:
The General Dental Council
Phone: 020 7167 6000