Life With Aligners: Everyday Living To A Straighter Smile
Do you dream of a straight, glowing smile? Boosting your confidence? Aligners could be the perfect solution for you. This popular cosmetic dental treatment uses clear, near-invisible trays to help move your teeth into place, meaning you can achieve a glowing smile discreetly and comfortably.
However, aligners need to be worn for most of the day to be effective in the recommended term. So what is it like living with aligners? We dive into the ins and outs of everyday life with clear aligners.
Eating & Drinking With Aligners
Unlike traditional metal braces, aligners can be removed to let you eat and drink freely. This means you can continue to enjoy all your favourite foods, however, we recommend brushing and flossing your teeth before popping your aligners back in place.
Cleaning & Maintaining Aligners
For your oral health and maintaining a clear smile when wearing your aligners, it’s important to keep your teeth and trays clean. It’s easy to keep these clean, by using a soft small toothbrush and toothpaste to brush the aligners, alongside rinsing with water.
Brushing Your Teeth With Aligners
While receiving cosmetic dental treatment for clear aligners to straighten your smile, brushing and flossing your teeth twice per day is essential to maintain good oral hygiene. Make sure to remove your aligners first, and we’d recommend cleaning your aligners at the same time!
Subtlety & Your Social Life
A great benefit of aligners is they are near-invisible, making social events more comfortable as your peers are likely not to notice you’re wearing trays since they are subtle. The brilliant thing about this is you can attend social occasions with confidence, without worrying about your smile.
Many of our patients who have received treatment for clear aligners have shared how convenient wearing aligners can be while maintaining their usual lifestyle. Aligners are an innovative solution to achieving the straight smile of your dreams.
Here are some additional tips from our team to making sure you get the most from your cosmetic dental treatment:
- Stick to the schedule. Your dentist will inform you when you begin treatment for aligners of how long your trays need to be in place each day to be effective.
- Smoking with aligners. As your dental professionals, we recommend you don’t smoke and particularly when undergoing treatment for aligners. Learn more here about smoking with aligners, and what you can do to ensure your treatment is a success.
- Visit your dentist regularly. As part of your treatment plan, your dentist should organise regular check-ups to see how you are progressing with your treatment with aligners and make adjustments when necessary.
Clear aligners to straighten your teeth can transform your confidence to smile bright! Previous patients at Robinson’s Dental Practice for aligners have loved their results. Find out more about cosmetic dental treatment for aligners here, or give us a call on 01202 487888 to speak to our team and book your free consultation today.