Book an appointment online

Mini Consultation

Would you like to receive suggestions for improving your dental health and/or would you like to know which of our dentists is best suited to meet your needs?

Fill in our mini consultation below and we will we contact you with suggestions as to how you can achieve your dental goals.

    1. What is your name?

    2. What are your main concerns about your teeth? Tick any that apply to you.

    3. When would you like to get help for your dental concerns?

    4. Upload smile photos, see example below (this is optional but it helps us to help you!)

    Mini Consultation Christchurch

    5. Is there anything else you think we should know or you would like to ask us?

    6. I would like more information about:

    7. Email address

    8. Phone Number

    9. I would prefer to be contacted by:

    * Required fields

    Calls to the practice are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

    The information you have provided will be reviewed by one of our clinicians and you should receive a reply within 2 working days .We will never share your details with anyone other than the Robinson’s team, please read our Privacy Policy for further information.