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P.R.F (Platelet-Rich Fibrin)

*Important Information For Our Patients,
Your Family And Your Friends*

What is PRF?

It is a process that harvests stem cells and growth factors from the
patient’s own blood which can then be put in to surgical sites to
encourage more rapid healing and better bone and tissue formation.

In extraction sites it may be used on its own but in situations where the
patient had already lost bone and we need to build it up in order to place
an implant then harvested bone granules will still be needed.

The PRF in these cases is used to increase the tissue acceptance of the
bone graft and as with all PRF procedures it reduces the healing time
which can mean that the implant is placed earlier than without the PRF.

Who requires PRF ?

PRF can be of benefit in all surgical procedures from simple extractions
to complex bone grafts. PRF has been shown to speed up the healing
time following surgery and reduce the risk of post-operative infection.

In addition it can help reduce the amount of bone lost after a tooth has
been extracted and retaining sufficient bone height is essential for any
future implant placement.

The Robinsons Approach & Why It’s Better!

The Robinsons Dental Team are proud to be ​one of the only surgeries
local to you within the Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch area​ to
offer this cutting edge procedure.

What happens?

If your dentist at Robinsons feels the PRF procedure is of benefit they will firstly discuss this with you and if you decide together to go ahead then they will take a small amount of blood from you that they will then place into a special centrifuge where it is spun to separate the red blood cells away from the beneficial white cells creating a special high fibrin
substance called PRF (P​latelet-Rich Fibrin)​.

This will then be used at your surgical site like a dressing. This tissue
contains high concentrations of the most important components of a
normal blood clot which means the following:

Healing Quicker

No Adverse Reactions

More Bone & Gum Availability

Less Chance Of Infection

Reduced Postoperative Pain 

Accelerated Bone Formation

To simplify, o​ur option focuses on the use of your own blood cells as
opposed to relying on animal or man-made materials although in some
circumstances we will still advise bone graft is used as well.

How Much Blood Will Be Taken ?

Usually only one to two tubes, roughly the same as a normal blood test.

How long will the procedure take from start to finish ?

The PRF procedure doesn’t take any longer than a normal surgery
would, apart from taking the blood sample patients will be unaware of
anything different.

If you have any problems or concerns, please call us or complete our simple form below:

(01202) 487888

    Calls to the practice are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

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