Crooked Teeth? Here’s What You Can Do…
Crooked teeth isn’t something we are all born with however, they can develop over time. Our teeth can shift as we grow older and unfortunately, misaligned teeth can lead to trouble with good oral hygiene as well as diminishing our confidence.
Here at Robinsons Dental Practice, we are passionate about helping every one of our patient’s to feel confident when they smile. So whether you’ve had uneven teeth for a long time or whether it’s recent, we’re sharing some ways in which you can feel more confident smiling.
Look After Your Teeth
Whilst your teeth and smile may not be perfectly straight, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of them. Crooked teeth can lead to poorer oral hygiene due to the misalignment, therefore increasing your risk for developing cavities, gum disease or other oral health issues.
Maintaining a daily dental hygiene routine is key. We recommend brushing your teeth twice per day for approximately 2 minutes, with a fluoride toothpaste. This will all help to remove food and bacteria from your teeth and gums as well as strengthen the enamel, reducing the risk of cavities & other oral health problems rising.
Alongside this, your 6-monthly check ups at the dentist can assist with keeping your mouth clean and healthy. Your dentist will be able to give your teeth a deeper clean, as well as identifying any further treatments that could benefit your smile.
Explore Orthodontics
The best treatment for crooked teeth is orthodontics. Through the use of braces, we are able to straighten your smile and reduce any misalignment of your teeth. Braces have come a long way in recent years, with them almost invisible to the naked eye and often, treatment is far quicker than you may expect.
We have a team of orthodontists who have years of experience behind them in fitting braces, so you can feel confident that we will be able to transform your smile in no time at all.
Ultimately your teeth are a part of you and every body is different. You should be able to smile with confidence and we, as dentists, are here to help every single patient achieve that.
Keep in mind the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene, check in with your dentist and if you feel orthodontics may be the route for you, find out more information about this treatment.
If you’re looking for our help with orthodontics, oral health hygiene or interested in other treatments we offer, call us today on 01202 487888 or fill out a consultation form here.